Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I read an article today stating that the Federal Government added 33 new prosecutors for Indian Country. I do like the extra attention and effort given to crime on the reservation. Although, it would seem to me that adding extra prosecutors is only a way to prosecute at a faster rate, and not to actually prevent crime. I know that purists in the Criminal Justice field believe that you must pay the time if you do the crime, and I do as well because I hate what drugs are doing to some of the best people I have ever met on the reservation, but they also believe that prosecution is a deterrent to criminal activity, which I don't believe is the answer. Typical Government response, add more people. The only outcome I can see is there will be more American Indians from the reservation in jail or prison. Not only do they get to spend more money for the extra people needed to support prosecution, they also get to spend more money to house the added inmates. As my father, Charles Abourezk quoted,"This does nothing to change the social economic climate that exists on the reservation." I would assume the biggest deterrent to crime would be prevention. Lets figure out how to spend money rejuvenating the economic climate. Let's get some Obama hope on the reservations. Lets make it a place where drugs and alcohol don't have a place. Prevent that, and we get to see the violence and despair inherent with drugs and alcohol abuse disappear.

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